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Tattoo Removal

Farr Medical Group, Inc. -  - Board Certified Family Practice Physician

Farr Medical Group, Inc.

Board Certified Family Practice Physicians located in Brimhall area, Bakersfield, CA

If you’re unhappy with the color, condition, or overall appearance of a tattoo, consider tattoo removal. At Farr Medical Group, Inc. family practice physicians William Farr, MD, Alycia Campos, MD, and the team provider laser tattoo removal on an outpatient basis. This quick, effective treatment can remove unwanted tattoos, restoring your skin to its near-original condition. Schedule an appointment with the online booking tool, or call the Bakersfield, California, office today.

Tattoo Removal Q & A

What is tattoo removal?

Tattoo removal is a quick, outpatient procedure used to safely and affordably eliminate unwanted tattoos. 

Farr Medical Group, Inc. performs tattoo removal with a Q-switched laser. The laser emits targeted light energy using one strong pulse. The pulse heats up the ink in your skin, causing it to dissolve. Tattoo removal doesn’t eliminate the ink entirely. Instead, it causes it to fade, making it much less visible.

Who is a good candidate for tattoo removal?

Anyone who has one (or several) unwanted tattoos can benefit from tattoo removal. Some tattoos are easier to treat than others. If your tattoo features ink that’s black, brown, dark green, or blue, it's likely to respond to laser removal. 

Larger, more colorful tattoos are more difficult to treat. If you have a preexisting skin condition like eczema, or you have a chronic disease like herpes that affects your skin, let Farr Medical Group, Inc. know. These conditions won’t necessarily disqualify you from tattoo removal, but they can increase the risk of complications.

What does tattoo removal involve?

Farr Medical Group, Inc. performs tattoo removal on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home immediately following your appointment. 

Prior to treatment, your provider applies a numbing ointment to your tattoo. Once the anesthesia sets in, your provider points a handheld tool at your skin. The tool emits targeted laser energy, which heats up the ink and causes it to fade away.

The laser causes your skin to become red, swollen, and irritated. Each session lasts between 30-60 minutes.

How many tattoo removal treatments will I need?

The number of tattoo removal treatments you’ll need depends on the size, color, and location of the unwanted tattoo. Farr Medical Group, Inc. typically recommends between six and eight treatments spread out over the course of several weeks. 

To achieve the best possible results, you need to wait six or more weeks in between appointments. This allows your skin plenty of time to heal and rejuvenate.

What is recovery like after tattoo removal?

Following tattoo removal, your provider sends you home with a list of recovery instructions. To prevent infection, apply an antibacterial ointment to your tattoo several times a day. In addition, change your wound dressing every time you apply the ointment.

For at least two weeks:

  • Don’t wear tight clothing
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Don’t scratch or pick at your tattoo
  • Keep your tattoo clean and dry

Make sure to attend all of your follow-up sessions as well. The closer you adhere to your treatment plan, the better your results will be.

To learn more about tattoo removal, request a consultation at Farr Medical Group, Inc. Schedule an appointment by clicking the online booking tool, or call the office today.